Profile picture for user Roy

Hello All,

I would like to know if it is possbile to create a histogram in Mashzone? The input I have for the mash app is an excel file that contains a cell range of data (for example: how many times an appplication has been used). How should I configure the data feed, how can I define the range of the data bins (column range of the histogram).

I have tried but did not find a easy way, I think it should be possible. Any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Roy Diemeer

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Wed, 03/03/2010 - 08:49

Hi Roy,

I'm not sure if this article describes the historgram you mean but it least values from different points in the past are visualized.

The important point is that your data source must provide the history of values. MashZone does not store any data it reads but it forgets all data as soon as data feeds are evaluated the next time, i.e. the data just flows through MashZone.

So basically you add a time column to your feed to asign each value a date. Obviously the number of rows will increase but this is matter of granularity. The example linked above does this already.



by Helmut Barro
Posted on Wed, 03/03/2010 - 10:22

Roy, I guess you are talking about a statistical histogram with dynamic bins and bin sizes that shows frequencies of values.

This is currently not really easy with MashZone; a histogram is not only a type of visualization, but relies heavily on a statistical analysis of the underlying data. You would have to do all the required statistical computations within a data feed, as there is no "Histogram" visualization that would do this for you "out of the box".

It seems possible (from a purely theoretical point of view) to do these computations within a data feed if you add some restraints like static bin count and/or static bin size; any other approach would probably result in a rather complex data feed structure.

So - if you know your data and are able to predefine at least the bins this should be feasible in MashZone. If you have the possibility to create the statistical data outside of MashZone, you could of course use a column chart visualization.



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