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I am looking at creating a datafeed that takes multiple, dynamic values and using those to search for a string within a data feed.

Here is the scenario:

The Data feed contains Bla bla bla stringa or bla bla bla stringb or bla bla bla stringc, etc.  The search values could be stringa or stringb etc and changed at anytime.

The output would be a two colum table with strings and count where strings would be stringa,stringb, etc and the count would be 1.  Ultimately it would be used to feed into a pie chart. 

I have done the static method already and have tried multiple iterations of this approach.  But it appears that the only way to add parms to the find text is to use the data feed to value function and unfortunately this guy only outputs one value.  I need all the values to be searched at any given time.

Thanks in advance

Shane McMillan


by J Kirsch
Posted on Wed, 11/27/2013 - 14:40

Hi Shane,

i'm sorry but MashZone currently offers no functionality to do such a dynamic mapping and evaluation. Kind of exceeds the core focus of MashZone.



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