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I need two URLs' for Publisher portal and both the URLs' will have different content as anonymous.


Can someone suggest how is that possible?




by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 12/12/2014 - 23:03

Dear Saniya,

In Publisher you first enable anonymous access via profile for your published database as user root/root.

Then login to that published database via the anonymous link on Publisher's login page. Click on the tab Contents and then click on a model to open it. In the model area right click on an empty space and select Copy link from the context menu. A popup window appears with an URL similar like the following one. Copy it via Ctrl+C.


Such an URL is provides an auto-login via anonymous to the model you've chosen in your published database.

Tip: When you drop the parameter modelguid (including the & sign) you will end up no more on the model page but on the Publisher's home page.

Is that what you want to accomplish?



by Saniya Bajaj Author
Posted on Mon, 12/15/2014 - 16:24

Hi Rune,

Thank you very much for the solution. :)

This works with the client.

Cheers, Saniya






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