

I am getting below error when trying to do SYNC.

"Synchronization was canceled because at least one subordinate element does not comply with the consistency rules"

What can be the reason for this error?



by Deepti Lad
Posted on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 08:34

Hi Sashwat,

I guess this is a Database error. Is your ARIS Database server configured on a different machine than the ARIS Business Server?




by Roy de Vries
Posted on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 10:22

This consistency error in most cases means that the structure that is expected for a correct synchronisation is not complete or inconsistent. Be sure that you have the structure, business scenario, process and process steps included in the proces models (see the SAP function and SAP model type to verrify this). Also check if there are no loops created like proces assigned to a process and that kind of stuff.

Another possibility is that the corresponding ID's are not filled. Make sure that the synchronisation object and the assigned VACD have both a SAP ID.



by Sachin Chhabra
Posted on Wed, 01/30/2013 - 23:26

Hello, I've encountered this error before.  It's most likely due to the SAP Function type not matching the SAP Model type for the assigned model.  For example, maybe you have a "process" function assigned to a "process step" FAD, etc.

Normally if the SAP IDs are different you might get a different error message.


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