my application is hosted on azure. i restarted the VMs recently after a cloud maintenance window. I am able to restart the database properly, but when i try to restart the application runnables, they are stuck in starting status. the others like zoo_m are starting properly but abs_m, eps_m, copernicus_m and dashboarding_m are stuck in starting status. i left them like this for about an hour and they are still stuck. 

i looked at the cip.log and it has an error 

"2022-03-14T10:33:51,724|WARN |abs0000000000|||0000000000|main|SchemaBasedMultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl$Retryable - retryable action failed. will keep on trying (2/3000) java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection...

Caused by: Connection refused, socket connect lapse 1 ms. / 1521 0 1 true"

But i tried to ping this IP from the application and it is able to connect.


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