Profile picture for user SERGEY BALABANOV

Hi, dear ARIS Community people!

Please be informed that I used to work as a designer in software MS Project 2016 and have an experience with creating the project in it. That is why I know that possibility exists to make an assignments to specific persons and costs for the planned tasks.

I had been studying technical literature for a while about ARIS-system and its RACI matrix before I found out that similar opportunities are available with that software. Returning to my model just designed, I would like to inform you that ten people are available for making the tasks of it. I have to ask you once more for permission for me to have a right to assign in my model the above mentioned people as well as assign the costs for making planned tasks.

With kind regards,

Sergey Balabanov

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 12/22/2021 - 09:13

Dear Mr. Balabanov,

ARIS offers all the features you describe, however the configuration possibilities depend on the ARIS edition you are using. Is it Basic, Advanced or Enterprise?

Best regards,

M. Zschuckelt

by Sergey Balabanov Author
Posted on Wed, 12/22/2021 - 12:08

In reply to by M. Zschuckelt

Dear Mr.Zschuckelt!

Thanks for your response to my ussue.

I can make more precisely that I was studying the ARIS Basic software.

Is it possible in that software to make an assignment of specific humans to task fulfillment and to make an assignment the costs to make the tasks as well?  How can I do it?

I have to notice that my license for product ARIS Cloud Viewer of project room snb1953 will expire on 2021-12-27.

I would appreciate your efforts if you will be able to explain me what I should do in order to make the above mentioned assignments?

With kind regards,

Sergey Balabanov



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