Hello Community,

we are using ARIS 9.8 SR7.

How (and where) can I set the authorizations to format objects (e.g. change the colour of an object, copy and paste the format of an object onto another object)?

A colleague of mine says that in previous releases this could be done through detailed authorization settings. Unfortunately I cannot find such detailed settings.

I would appreciate if someone of you could help me out.

Thank you so much in advance.

Kind regards,


by Tony Iliev
Posted on Mon, 02/27/2017 - 13:39

Hi Sylke,

I assume that the issue is related to non-system users. If so, you could adjust the user's Functional privileges in the ARIS Architect > Administration module. The settings are database-dependent. Select the user (in the database) you wish to assign some rights and using the right-mouse button click choose "Properties" > Functional privileges.

Best regards



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