Hi All

I am new to ARIS reports, one of our reports called Risk and Control matrix which extracts the risk and control object connected into an EPC or activity. When I run the report it gives me the following error " cannot find method ObjDef of undefined". What could be the issue?  The script is run at a model level  used to work fine before I am using 7.2. See the script below.


/ Entry Point

function main()


    var oL2Objects = ArisData.getSelectedObjOccs();

    var sGroupLevelName = '';

    //var sAssignedModels = oL2Objects[0].ObjDef.GetAssignments(g_mtBusArch);

    var sAssignedModels = oL2Objects[0].ObjDef().AssignedModels(g_mtBusArch);

    var bGovernanceLevelPassed = false;

    var oHighLevelValues;

    var oSuperiorObjDefs;

    var oModel;

    var oValueChainName = "[Value Chain Name]";


Thank you


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