I would your help to know the process of upgrading from Upgrade from ARIS Business Architect 7.1 to 9X
My organization has a licenced copy for ARIS Business Architect 7.1 but am not sure whether the licence can be used for 9X.
Dear Rune,
Thanks for the response
Just to clarify , in the event the maintenance contract has expired , then does it mean my current licenses are not applicable for upgrade and does that mean we would have to purchase new license and new contract ?
Kind Regards
Yes, without maintenance contract you can't upgrade. The maintenance fee your company would pay yearly, is being used to further develop our products by implementing features our customers requesting from us.
Please contact a sales representative of Software AG in your region. There are ways to continue a maintenance contract without buying the complete product. However, considering the long period of time between ARIS 7.1 (GA was in back in 2008) and ARIS 10.0 you should evaluate evolved capabilities which made available by new ARIS products, such as ARIS Connect.