Hi all,
When we publish thru BP ,there is flickering effect when we navigate through the models through the explorer tree.Pls suggest solution
Hi all,
When we publish thru BP ,there is flickering effect when we navigate through the models through the explorer tree.Pls suggest solution
you can try to look in includes/util_js.jsp
search for the functions: blendBackground and unblendBackground.
In blendBackgroud comment out:
//bg.style.filter = "Alpha(opacity=" + new_transparency + ")";
//bg.style.opacity = new_transparency / 100; //bg_iframe.style.filter = "Alpha(opacity=" + new_transparency + ")"; //if (new_transparency < target_transparency) // window.setTimeout('blendBackground("' + elementname + '", ' + (new_transparency + step) + ', ' + target_transparency + ', ' + step + ',' + speed + ')', speed); in unblendBackground comment out: //bg_iframe.style.filter = "Alpha(opacity=" + new_transparency + ")"; //bg.style.filter = "Alpha(opacity=" + new_transparency + ")"; //bg.style.opacity = new_transparency / 100; //if (new_transparency > target_transparency) // window.setTimeout('unblendBackground("' + elementname + '", ' + (new_transparency - step) + ', ' + target_transparency + ', ' + step + ',' + speed + ')', speed); //else { //}