Hi all!

I need an advice. I'm using EPC notation and Variant possibility to create "to-be" model from my "as-is" model.

My Example:

AS-IS model

  • Mom carries out Func1 "Make breakfast" (aver.procc.time 30 mins) and Func2 "Wash plates" (time: 10 mins)
  • Dad carries out Func3 "Read newspaper"

I want to create TO-BE model as follows:

  • Mom carries out Func1 "Make breakfast"  (time: 30 mins)
  • Dad carries out Func4 "Wash plates" (time: 20 mins!!! because Dad washes plates much worse than Mom does)
  • Dad has nothind to do with newspaper any more

I created Variant of my AS-IS model in which Mom, Dad, Func1 are occurences and Func4 is new object (definition copy from Func2)

I generated report - simple model comparison and there is an misunderstanding between Func2 "Wash plates" and Func4 "Wash plates" - they have the same name but dirrerent GUID !

I can't use occurence copy of Func2 for Dad, because I need to change attribute value Avg.proc.time from 10 min to 20 min.

It's not proper thing to change the name of the Dad's new fucntion, washing plates is washing plates...

That's the best practice to resolve this issue?

Than you in advance for any tips or ideas!

by Semen Pyatakov Author
Posted on Mon, 05/02/2011 - 19:44

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