We are looking into moving from ARIS 9.8.4 to ARIS 10.7
Could you please help in finding out how easy or difficult it will be. Things to consider:
- Can it be an upgrade or it needs a clean installation
- Infrastructure requirements
- Migration
We are looking into moving from ARIS 9.8.4 to ARIS 10.7
Could you please help in finding out how easy or difficult it will be. Things to consider:
Regarding infrastructure requirements I would recommend that you have someone from Software AG assess your usage scenario, because there are quite a few parameters to consider - not just the number of concurrent users. It might be anything from a single machine to a multi-node cluster.
afaik you need to migrate your data through an ARIS 9 release >= 9.8.7 before you can make the step to 10. So I would recommend a side-by-side installation.
Regards, M. Zschuckelt
Regarding infrastructure requirements I would recommend that you have someone from Software AG assess your usage scenario, because there are quite a few parameters to consider - not just the number of concurrent users. It might be anything from a single machine to a multi-node cluster.