The question came up frequently so I will try to explain how to make ARIS MashZone draw multiple lines in one Line chart. A typical use case might be something like "There are quarterly sales figures for each region of your business that needs to be presented to the management".

What we basically need to do this in MashZone is data source that consists of three columns as we want to visualize three different aspects:

  1. When did the measurement take place? (Some date value, e.g. Q1 2010)
  2. Where did the figure come from? (Some Geo-Data or simply North, West, ...)
  3. What was the sales KPI? (Some numerical value)

Based on this data the feed is actually trivial - it connects data source and output directly, no more operators are necessary. Next we open the Visual composer to create a MashApp which consists of one widget: The line chart. The interesting part takes place during data assignment.

During data assignment the x-axis is feed by the time column and the y-axis is numeric – it contains values out of the KPI column.

If you stop now MashZone will find multiple values for each date value. Take a look into the sample above  and you will find Jan 2010 at least four times. In such cases MashZone applies the aggregation strategy specified (per default it computes averages).

But as indicated by the image the region column is also bound. It is connected to something called “More values stacked”. This finally instructs MashZone to draw one line per region (and now even the legend becomes useful).


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