In today’s blog post about MashZone 2.2 I want to talk about integration with ARIS Process Performance Manager. In fact, as integration has improved a lot, this is the first of three articles. Before I start let me explain why integration with ARIS PPM is that important for MashZone.

Many of you might have encountered situations where the data set you build a dashboard on was too big. MashZone’s 10k line warning is a clear indicator. Of course you could delegate calculations such as aggregating or filtering on huge data sets to web services or conventional databases. But Software AG’s portfolio contains, of course, its own solution: ARIS PPM.

The key difference between MashZone and ARIS PPM is the way they deal with the data to be analyzed.

On the one hand, MashZone is really light-weight. It does not store any of the data which is visualized. All MashZone persists is a MashApp and data feed’s definition. Therefore all dashboard data – which populates your charts – is calculated on the fly as user interactions occur. That means that the visualized data stays at its original place –MashZone maintains no copy.

On the other hand, ARIS PPM is loaded in advance with the data to be analyzed. It’s a process warehouse which has its own storage and a powerful In-memory computation engine. To bring out the best of both worlds we combine both tools. The result you can see in the following picture.

First data from your enterprise is loaded into ARIS PPM on a regular basis. Second, leveraging its In-Memory capabilities, ARIS PPM enables business users to slice-and-dice and to do sophisticated process discovery and mining. Based on the results there are two options to present them: Static and automated paper/PDF reporting indicated by arrow three and, four, interactive dashboarding using MashZone.

So let’s assume we have already loaded ARIS PPM with data and we discovered patterns in processes which are to be published in MashZone.

ARIS PPM enables you to persist such a set of charts and share it with others. In terms of ARIS PPM this is called a favorite which represents a chart with all its settings such as thresholds, filters and – of course – the data its is all about. Each favorite can be shared with other ARIS PPM users or reused for both: Paper reporting as well as dashboarding in MashZone.

To reuse a chart, its data and all visualization definition MashZone 2.2 introduces a new chart type. In contrast to existing MashZone charts and widgets it is not backed by a data feed. Instead it refers to an ARIS PPM favorite directly.

In subsequent posts we will describe how this works in detail and mention other updates regarding ARIS PPM integration. In the mean time you may refer to our Process Intelligence website which explains our products in more detail.

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