I use ARIS IT Architect and i had a problem with my hdd. i managed to recover the information from it, but now i need to import the old database in the newly installed ARIS.
Shame on me, i did not create any backup for it, so the question is: do i have a possibility to recover my diagrams from the old installation folder? because now i moved all the partitions from the damaged hdd to a new one, but i cannot find the path for the old database created in ARIS.
Thanks a lot!
this is a bit experimental - please be very careful when trying this! You could loose your data doing this! Better make a backup in case of uncertainty.
- Only Databases: (Maybe not as easy as the second possibility)
The Database files of your lokal ARIS installation should be stored inside the subdirectories of C:\Program Files\ARIS7.2\LocalServer\data - try to find this directory structure in your recovery.
if you still have access to this structure try to copy the directories from the recovery matching the database names in the dblist.txt to your local folder and adjust the entries inside the local dblist.txt afterwards.
- Everything except client config:
Symbols and Attributes are stored at another location. If your installation is fresh and your recovery went well you could just try to copy and overwrite the entire LocalServer and JavaClient directories on the local system with the contents from the recovery.
I hope this helps you and good luck. :)