
Our organization has BPMN process models in ARIS and some users want to create EPCs only. Can we keep both BPMN and EPC models in the repository? Would that make sense - would we be able to create end to end process view with different modelling languages? Thoughts pls?


by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Explorer' achievement
Posted on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 08:08


From my point of view that is not an issue. In fact, I would even want that both, EPC and BPMN share the same repository. You can also create end-to-end processes with different modelling lanugages. However, I personally, would not do that. If you want to train that process, it is hard for people to adapt to different views. 



by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 09/01/2022 - 12:22

I agree with Veronika. Ideally you decide on one notation for all, unless you really have separate purposes for the different notations, e. g. Business processes in EPC, logical process design in BPMN with different target groups such as business viewers and software architects. This serves just as an example and is not a recommendation. The semantics of the objects in the both notations vary slightly, so if you use both notations for the same purpose reporting becomes somewhat hideous. Particularly process interfaces become somewhat problematic because the two notations have very different approaches to the topic. BPMN exchanges messages between processes, while in EPC the interface simply stitches two separate models together to one seamless flow, very much like a page connector in flowchart notation. So in an E2E process flow you have to come up with s. th. awkward to make the two notations connect.

If you limit the BPMN notation (via method filter) to very simple language elements you think business users will understand intuitively there is no reason why you shouldn't use Enterprise BPMN for the business processes as well. Software designers often are more interested in the richness of the BPMN language features. So you could have two BPMN notations in parallel for the different purposes.


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