Good afternoon,

what is the right sequence for components migration from aris 7.2 to aris 9?

1) enthire method (i think that this is not required)

2) filter

3) repository

4) template

Is it correct?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 07/01/2015 - 12:40


recommended order is this:

1) Filters and templates. Note, that custom attribute types may need special attention, because in the method they have to be assigned to the model types/object types that they apply to.

2) Databases and users: Watch out, that passwords of users will be reset to username=password, if you don't have the users in a LDAP. Also note that capitalizations in user names are ignored in the migration. Different users of the same name in different databases will be consolidated to one user (first one wins).

3) Reports and Macros. May need adaptions where APIs in connection with user management or authorizations are used.

4) Administer Licenses and Permissions.

There is also a course 730-61 for the ARIS 7.2 -> 9 migration.

Regards, M. Zschuckelt

by Tatiana Piomboni Author
Posted on Fri, 07/17/2015 - 17:04


Best regards


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