As I am testing an upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2, I found out that the format of the url to link to diagrams published with the Publisher 7.2 default layout has changed.
It used to be:
The "Copy Link" output confirms that it is now : login=&password=&localid=&ph=&modelguid=
with the ph parameter probably similar to profileID, which we also find in 7.1.
I am really missing the first format, because this format contains the export-name, and we know that the export-name can change over time. The profileID is not stable and we want to avoid that the users store unstable links to the ARIS diagrams.
Questions: in the 7.2 default layout, for example in "mod_gfx_sub.jsp",
. is there a way for "ABPExternalLinkHelper.generateExternalLink" to return the previous format?
. is there a way to obtain the exportname and filterguid values to reconstruct the link?
Thanks in advance !!