I have created scripts that logs errors of, if bulk actions needs to be done: logging of items, from reports in JSON format and is uploaded to ADS for using it in a dashboard. From the dashboard I can click on the report on a link to the error logging. In picture below you see a link in red https://arisconnect-t.... which is a link to the error logging.

When you click on the link the logging is displayed as text file. See picture below (is in Dutch...).

But I am not able to use it, because I need to log in as a system user in ARIS Document Storage in the script. If a normal user is running a script which contains error logging, the script will fail because a normal user does not have the privilege to upload a document to ADS. For this purpose I created an item on the ideas portal. Please help me to get this implemented as soon as possible.

This will be very useful for reports that do not have a user interaction, e.g. for dashboarding and scheduled reporting. In addition I want to send an e-mail when things go wrong and I can directly go to the errorlog.

Here is the link to the ideas portal:

Many thanks in advance for your support :-)

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