
I am trying to create a percentage value I can enter into a horizontal bar speedomenter using the MashZone arithmatic functions. In order to do this, I need  my data feed  to find the sum of a column of values in an Excel file but cannot figure out how to do this. Can someone please tell me how or if MashZone is capable of doing this?



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 10:06


although I do not know your feed in detail there are two operators that tend to be useful in your situation. Both are found in the Calculation category on the data feed editor's left hand panel

  1. Aggregation might be used to find the sum of a numerical column
  2. Goal accomplishment might be used to calculate the percentage based on known or dynamically calculated values.



by Thomas Pinos Author
Posted on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 15:16

Ok, so I used the aggregation tool like you instructed and it worked. Thanks for the advice!

However, when comparing the numbers MashZone calculates to my manual calculations the results did not match. In some cases the result was close (i.e. 0.07 when it should be 0.05) but in other cases it was far off (i.e. 0.30 when it should be 0.15). I found that this problem was caused when the columns were aggregated. When I pulled up what MashZone calculated  I noticed that there is a 100 row rule built into MashZone that does not allow for more than 100 rows to be aggregated at a time. Due to the fact that the majority of my columns contain more than 100 values the results I get when I divide the partially aggregated columns are skewed. Is there a way to successfully aggregate columns with more than 100 rows? 

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 06/24/2010 - 14:32

I assume you are refering to results within the debug view of the data feed editor. Unfortunately it is limited to a 100 rows - as its title suggests. But as soon as you create a MashApp and visualize the data feed all of your rows are processed of course.


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