Profile picture for user Tony2019

Hello dear ARIS Community,

I am writing my master thesis in connection with ARIS Archtitect 9 and unfortunately I am not making any progress with my simulation. I would like to model the effects of risks on the processing time of a function. 

As part of my risk modeling, I can assign the probability of the damage to the risk object under the Simulation attribute (that's good and I need it exactly the same way), but the damage amount under the Simulation attribute only refers to the financial damage. I would like to simulate the occurrence of risks on the processing time of the function. 

An example: 

The risk arrives at 50%. When it arrives, the processing time of the function increases from 5 to 8 minutes. 

Is it possible to model and simulate this in EPC in ARIS? Especially important for me is how I set this risk. 

Can someone help me, you are my last hope. 

I would be very grateful for your help. 

With kind regards


by Ralf Angeli
Posted on Tue, 04/02/2019 - 10:08

It's not possible to change the processing time of a function at which a risk occurs, but you can define follow-up activities which are carried out when a detective control finds a risk occurrence. In order to do so, you have to assign an EPC to the respective risk. The assigned process will be carried out every time the risk occurs and is detected by the control. The process is run in parallel to the main process, so it won't affect the throughput time of the main process directly, but if you use a resource in the process with the follow-up activities that is also required in the main process, then it will indirectly do so.

How to model such counter-measure processes is also described in the ARIS online help below the following topic: Special topics and functions > Simulation > Model > ARIS models > Risks and controls > Modeling of risks.

by Antonius Hammerlage Author
Posted on Sat, 04/06/2019 - 13:28

Thank you so much for you help. It´s now working!



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