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We have matrix models that use objects from the database that are used in several models. So obviously we see the tick marks in the matrix model where connections exist. Now we want to be able to hide certain connections in some matrices without having to delete the actual connection in the database.

Is this possible in any way (simple or complicated)?

thanks in advance

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Tue, 03/11/2014 - 15:44

Hi Bruno.

This is easy. Just switch of the connection types, which you do not want to be shown in the matrix.

See example: If I deselect the connection type "uses", all connections shown in the matrix having the type won't be displayed.



by Bruno Vanhecke Author
Posted on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 14:10

Thanks for your response, Frank.

The issue is that this removes all the occurences of the same type of connection. We just need to remove some occurences since they are not visible in the corresponding EPC but they exist in another EPC model (variant, as-is vs to-be).


by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 15:36

Hello Bruno,

in that case, the objects that change their connections should be variant copies of the original objects in the variant model. They remain semantically connected through their variant relationship, but they are new objects in their own right. So in your matrix model you only include the variant, that is appropriate for your model and you will only see the connections that exist for that variant.

Matrix models are different from the other models in that they have some reporting behaviour. They always show you, what is there at definition level - all of it. You can filter only the connection types, but not decide on showing single occurrences of a connection. That should be ok: A function that interacts with different partners in different versions of the process is technically a different function. Probably you would also want to change its description or other attributes in the new variant of the process.

Regards, M. Zschuckelt


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