Profile picture for user VC_Bakker


I've posted another ticket about our endeavours concerning the new portal.

Now we're (unfortunately) adapting the XML to bring the information to our internal customers.

We're trying to combine these 2 pieces here (as one).

Why? To make a kind of frog leap From Process --> Parent Function --> FAD --> Risk object.

In essence showing the L4 risk for a L5 process.

Piece 1 = show me parent function of process (standard mapping)

 <!-- Functions that have the value-added chain as an assignment -->
       <mapping name="superiorFunctions" type="itemList" target="function,control">
           <assignment function="filter">
               <object typeNum="22" function="target"/>

Piece 2 =show me risk of related FAD

<!--Changed code |VB | classic4 risksInvolved-->
<mapping name="risks" type="itemList" target="risk">
    <occurrence function="filter">
        <connectionOccurrence function="filter">
            <connection typeNum="507" direction="out" function="filter">
                <object typeNum="159" function="target"/>
<!--Changed code |VB | classic4 to show related risks -->
<mapping name="risks" type="itemList" target="risk">
    <occurrence function="filter">
        <object typeNum="22, 159" function="filter">
            <assignment function="filter">
                <model typeNum="14, 641d36d0-7acf-11e0-6090-005056811ce3, f1a69cb1-3cb7-11e8-5b70-0ab88a82cf22, 027b3c81-3cb8-11e8-5b70-0ab88a82cf22" function="filter">
                    <occurrence function="filter">
                        <object typeNum="159" function="target"/>
                        <connectionOccurrence function="filter">
                                <object typeNum="22, 159" function="filter"/>

Since there is no documentation, this is our 'go to place'.

We would like to combine these two into one XML mapping. Can someone explain this in a bit more detail?

Thanks in advance,



by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Tue, 11/07/2023 - 18:58

Hello Vincent,

Since there is no documentation,

is not quite true. But you are rewarded with a reference doc only after a training course, cf. Rune's post

I have achieved some stuff with the XML configuration, but still I think your question is not easy to resolve without further background. It is not only the mappings per item type,  the result depends also on how you configured presentation of objects in views or factsheet files. And if  you have changed the Self Service Config/Modification set it must match the XML config.

Regards, Martin


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