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Hi all,

I created new custom attribute (in 7.1.0 version) and there is no API name and no original name. How can I set this?


by Misha Akopov
Posted on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 12:26

Hi Mr. Vladimir,

I've created many custom attributes, but either don't know how to set API name, Original name you can set with RENAME .

By the way, why do you want the API name ? For reports ? I use TypeNumber in this case ..




by Vladimir Bis Author
Posted on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 13:39

Hi Misha,

yes, I want to use API name in report, it's better to see for example Constants.OT_ORG_UNIT, but you are right, TypeNumber is OK.

by Misha Akopov
Posted on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 14:29

Mr. Vladimir Bis


By the way, using TypeNumber of custom attribute is not a good idea :). Unfortunately in Aris , when you restart the server , the TypeNumber values of custom attributes are changing and your report becomes useless... I had this problem recently when my reports became invalid after restarting and found the following solution :


var objocc=ArisData.getSelectedObjOccs()[0]

var db=ArisData.getActiveDatabase();

var filter=db.ActiveFilter();

attribute=objocc.Attribute(filter.UserDefinedAttributeTypeNum("10106850-3ac3-11e1-4e4f-005056b1005f"), lang).getValue(); 


"10106850-3ac3-11e1-4e4f-005056b1005f"  - is GUID of attribute, it doesn't change !

Hope this will help you





by Vladimir Bis Author
Posted on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 15:29

Yes, this is better solution, thanx.


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