Hi All,

We are facing an issue with the installation of ARIS 7.1.0 384599.

For security reasons we are using pfSense (an open source firewall, router, etc.). All transactions pass through pfSense and are routed to the intranet (local network) via NAT and port forwarding (port 16070) on SQL Server is on and Application server (ARIS Site Administration, etc.) runs on Unfortunately I cannot access the server from the client and I am not receiving any errors neither in the client nor in the logs of the server (I have also changed the level of the logging to ALL).

While I was searching in the forums I read somewhere that NAT is not supported by ARIS. For that reason I have enabled VPN access to the machine in order to get local IP address. Unfortunately this doesn't work either.

Could anyone please help on the above? Any ideas are more than welcome.

Thank you in advance,


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