
I need help to recover a folder which I deleted from a database. Is it possible to recover that folder? If yes, please could you guide me?

Just in case, due to we have a copy in other database, I exported this folder and then imported into the correct database. However, the connections are still missing in the diagrams.


Thank you in advance.




by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Mon, 11/01/2021 - 21:48

Hello Yanella,

using the backup of your database is the right way. You have to take care how you export the folder from the backup. Particularly you should take care to set all options "Include border items". This will restore connections between objects inside the folder and other objects outside the folder, which are not transported in your transfer file, but where you want the connections to be restored in the target database, because those objects exist there as well. Also assignments between objects inside your folder and models outside of your folder will be restored this way.

Upon exporting take your time reading through the Help regarding each export option and make sure you understand them. And one more advice: Before importing to the target take another backup of it, just in case you experience a surprise. Even better would be trying the import on a backup first, so you can convince yourself of what is going to happen in the production database.

Best regards, M. Zschuckelt


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