Dear Experts,
I would like to fetch the Job positions with no Job roles from Role Configuaration Model (Matrix Model).By usign the attached script iam able to get all the Job positions from the RCM Model .Can any one help me on this to get the only Job positions with no job roles connections.
Thanks and regards,
for(var l = 0; l < aObjeocc.length; l ++) { var aObj= aObjeocc[l]; var aRoles = aObj.getConnectedObjOccs ([Constants.ST_EMPL_TYPE], Constants.EDGES_OUT ); if (aRoles.length>0) continue; g_oOutfile.OutputLn(aObj.Name(g_nLoc)+"'", "Arial", 10, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, 0, 0); }