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in our context of several students teams working on different database, we found several situations where the user created do not works. Functions, licences and database rights have been created... but the account is not usable to connect, and when trying to update rights of these users using system account, the application do not answer and we have to kill the process. The only way to solve is then to create a new database...

When facing this kind of errors, where can we find logs to try understanding what happens...

is there a way to check a database ?




by Saniya Bajaj
Posted on Tue, 12/16/2014 - 12:52


Unfortunately , there are no logs to check what is happening in the database. you can still check server's performance in server0.log and internalerror0.log on the server

This might also be a tablespace issue.

Please connect with your database team.



by Zuheb Zeeshan (Zee)
Posted on Mon, 07/06/2015 - 11:48

In reply to by saniya

Dear Ms.Saniya,

There are logs which helps you tell what happens with the DB, no tool comes with generic logs, every single issue can be monitored when you work on ARIS.




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