Hello Mashzone experts,

I need help with displaying top 10 values in chart. The problem is because there are a number of column charts with many x-axis values. For many charts, the requirement is to just show the top 5. I can display the chart in descending order sort, but I can't think of a way to do a filter so the chart just show the top 5 or top 10 values. At the moment, I just let the chart show all the values and put in the zoom function to allow them to "zoom" into the top 5 or top 10. I'm not happy with the default display of all the values which looks ugly because of the many, many columns.

Is there a way to set a zoom default so that the chart will display initially the maximum zoom or better still to allow setting the default zoom to a value (so that it will just display top 5). Any advice will be much appreciated if anyone has come across this 'problem' before.

Best regards,




by Éber Moreira
Posted on Tue, 01/05/2016 - 19:50

Hi Mijo,

I believe you have to limit the values inside your data feed.

What kind of Data source have you been using?

Best regards


by Mijo Kardum Author
Posted on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 15:34

In reply to by ebernj

Hi Eber,

How to limit the values inside data feed?

How we can display only 5 records  with highest value?

We use excel and csv for data source?

Best regards,


by Éber Moreira
Posted on Sat, 01/16/2016 - 16:04

Hi Mijo,

Using excel, if you can sort it by the values column, you will be able to read the top 10 lines by configuring the MS Excel file data source component to import data from a range.

See the attached file.

I hope it helps you.

Best regards,


by Mijo Kardum Author
Posted on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 14:27

In reply to by ebernj

Hi Eber,

yes, I know this solution. But how to do it if I use csv file as source? (Because, we can not modify the source file).

Best regards,


by Mijo Kardum Author
Posted on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 10:39

Thank you Eber for solution,

Best regards,




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