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How i can correct it?

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Wed, 09/21/2016 - 16:17

Dear Arman,

Assuming you are using the latest release ARIS 9.8 SR5, please have a look at the example "backup tenant" in chapter Back up a tenant in the document .\Documents\English\ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide.pdf?

You basically need to provide not only the path but rather a combination of patch + file name for your tenant backup file. Here's the example of the afore mentioned chapter:

backup tenant default to "f:\\backupDefault.acb" username=y1234 password=managery1234

The file extension could be also .ZIP, because .ACB is in fact a ZIP file format.




by Ali Khaidhir
Posted on Tue, 12/31/2019 - 04:07

In reply to by rbe

What is 'expecting EQ' means? anyone can help? im using 9.8.8.

I already follow the instructions and command but still get this error.

*nb : sorry for replying on this thread instead making a new one

by Patrik Siffrin
Posted on Thu, 01/16/2020 - 16:30

In reply to by akhaidhir

You have to quote "path" and better also quote  username and password

Backup tenant syntax
· backup tenant <tenantId> [to <pathToBackupFileOrDir>] [username = <username> password = <password>]
· If <pathToBackupFileOrDir> is a directory, a file name will be chosen automatically (file extension: .acb)
· If <pathToBackupFileOrDir> is not specified the backup will be placed in the ACC working directory
· Paths are best put into double quotes (mandatory if a path contains blanks or special characters).
· In quoted paths escape the "backslash" ("\") by doubling it (i.e. replace every "\" with "\\") or use forward slash "/" instead
· Examples:
· backup tenant default to "c:\\backup\\MyBackup.acb" username = system password = abc12345
· backup tenant default to "c:/path/with a/blank" username = admin password = s3cr37

"backup" tenant" <tenantId> ("for" "applications"? <appType> ("," <appType> )*)? ("to" <path>)? (<key> "=" <value> ("," <value>)*)*




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