I am using ARIS Cloud (Trial) and since Monday the 14th all the information inside each object in my diagrams has disappeared. Some more input on my problem:

1. The groups information has also been lost, so now I have no classification in my database

2. Some complete diagrams have simply disappeared. I had Enterprise Collaboration BPMN diagrams and Customer Journey diagrams

3. I created all these diagrams with an expert database, since I had all the diagram types available, but now I can only create 4 basic diagrams

Question 1: Could this have to do with the maintenance warning posted in Aris Cloud ("... we plan some maintenance operations for the ARIS Cloud from the 12th of November until the 19th of November...")?

Fact: I did create a new database which I deleted afterwards and it looks like the initial database changed to a basic mode

Question 2: Being in a trial period, can I do some Export of my database so I don't loose the information? We are considering the update from 9.7 to 9.8 or even ARIS Connect and I would like to keep the diagrams I created in ARIS Cloud, but I don't have an option to Export.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


by Carsten Pitz
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 12:46

Hi Joaquim,

check your language settings. If you switched e.g. from EN to PT, all information is empty just because only EN descriptions, names, ... exist. If you switch back to EN these information appears again.

Best regards


by Joaquim Nogueira Author
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 13:35

In reply to by pica

Dear Carsten.

Thank you for your comment. This solved the information inside the diagrams.

However some of the objects and the diagrams that have disappeared are still missing. It looks like the database changed from "Expert" to "Beginner".

I uploaded a printscreen with the "missing objects" and another one with a diagram that should be there and it's not.

Tank you,


by Christoph Lorenz
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 12:52

Hi Joaquim

Could you please check if you still have selected the correct language (see attached screenshot)?

What's the name of your project room?

Best regards



Such effects ar enot known from the maintenance

File attachments
by Joaquim Nogueira Author
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 13:38

In reply to by Christoph

Dear Christoph.

Thank you for your comment. This solved the information inside the diagrams.

However some of the objects and the diagrams that have disappeared are still missing. It looks like the database changed from "Expert" to "Beginner".

In the reply to Carsten Pitz I uploaded a printscreen with the "missing objects" and another one with a diagram that should be there and it's not.

Tank you,


by Joaquim Nogueira Author
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 14:05

In reply to by Christoph

I forgot to mention the name of my Project Room. It's "top101", Description: "Transformation On Processes"

Thank you.

by Christoph Lorenz
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 14:29

There is only one database of type Beginner. 

Was it "Expert" before? Did you create it as type "Expert"?



by Christoph Lorenz
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 15:29

Hi Joaquim

We just restored your database with type expert as a 2nd database.

Could you please check this database?



by Joaquim Nogueira Author
Posted on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 15:57

In reply to by Christoph

Hi Christoph.

You've just saved my day :-)

Everything is in place, now. I have no idea how the first database changed to type "beginner".

About the backup of this database, as I asked you before, could you send me the file or make it available for download, so I can restore it in our 9.8 server?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,



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