Profile picture for user Lucienne van Hilten

We are using ARIS Connect for stakeholders to provide feedback on the developed models.

The process around that is when the modelers asks the stakeholders for feedback the modelers make sure they follow the model on Connect to see the comments that are made in Connect on the model.

So far so good.

But the database holds other models as well and they get published (as the whole database gets published) and most of these models don’t get followed. So there is no signal to anybody that a comment has been made on the process.

Is there a way in ARIS Connect to get an overview of all comments made on all the models out of the publication - followed or not. To ensure that all comments get seen and get a response?

Or does anybody have an idea for a work around other then making sure all models are followed?

Thank you


by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Tue, 03/28/2017 - 14:53

Hi Lucienne,

As adminitrator you can go to "Collaboration Tab", then choose "All company feed" and will see all commentaries from all users to all models..

I will investigate if there is an option to optimize this but in general this is the simple way to see these commentaries...




by Lucienne van Hilten Author
Posted on Wed, 03/29/2017 - 02:30

In reply to by André Vitor

Thank you Andre - I will set up the process around using this script.

by Nyamsuren Byambatseren
Posted on Fri, 06/29/2018 - 11:16

In reply to by Lucienne van Hilten

Dear Lucienne,

We are too using ARIS Connect for stakeholders to provide feedback on developed models. However we have the issues you mentioned in your posting.

I was wondering if you have done workaround/script for it. If so, can I ask you kindly to share it with us.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Wed, 04/26/2017 - 08:10

With ARIS 10.0 and the privilege Collaboration administrator you could export that data.

by Nyamsuren Byambatseren
Posted on Thu, 08/02/2018 - 10:21

In reply to by rbe

Dear Rune,

Would you please suggest how in ARIS Connect to get an overview of all comments made on all the models out of the publication - followed or not. To ensure that all comments get seen and get a response?

Thank you for your help.



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Mon, 08/06/2018 - 11:42

In reply to by nyamang

Dear Nyam,

We don't offer such a feature yet as we don't believe that an administrator should take care of comments. But feel free to send us your feature request via our customer portal Empower/Brainstorm.

Instead of an overview of all comments system-wide, we propose a process-focused perspective which keeps every process owner informed about new comments, and actions triggered on their processes, e.h. the workflow request for change.

Of course, this focus on process owners assumes that every process model has a process owner, means a maintained attribute "Person responsible", so that the right person receives notifications about comments.




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