Hi to all,
I've created a Spreadsheet to define a table with a static labels (table of abbreviations) and I need to export it in the process documentation.
How do I read cells data and export them in a doc document?
Hi Robert,
Thank you for the reply. I'm using Aris 9.8 and I need to define an attribute on the model like a table. This attribute contains, for example, abbreviated labels and their meaning as shown below:
CRM Customer Relationship Management
PE Project Engineer
PM Project Manager
... ......
This attribute can be extracted in the .doc file process documentation.
Do you have a suggestion?
Hi Anna,
well, you could use different attributes and then script the output in a table way... Or you use a single attribute with a comma-separated value list and then create a table from this.
Or you could use the documentation attribute where you can put whole word documents in and then add them in an extended output object into another word file...
BR Robert