How can i print an image on to a report which is stored in ADS by means of Document Link 1 attribute. In ARIS architect i could easily do this by the following
var document1 = p_aObjOcc[i].ObjDef().Attribute(Constants.AT_DOCUMENTATION, nLocale).getExternalDocument()
if (document1.isValid()) {
if ( document1.getFileExtension().search(/jpg|jpeg|png|gif|emf|tif|tiff/i) != -1 ) {
var img = Context.createPicture(document1.getDocument(), Constants.IMAGE_FORMAT_PNG);
p_output.OutGraphic(img, -1, 200, 200 )
But unfortunately 'getExternalDocument()' doesnot work in ARIS Connect Designer. Is there any other way i can do this? Appreciate any help.
Hi Luju, I saw your post on ariscommunity about Printing Image from Document Link 1 attribute in ARIS Report. Could you help me with the solution? I have been searching and trying for several weeks to find out how to do it, but I have not been able to find the solution. I appreciate your help.