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my Aris Cloud trial version will expire on friday 31/08.

I want to save the database. My project room name is testprocessi  and Database name is My first Database (Export)

How can I do?

If i will renew the license will I be able to import the database?

Thank you,


by Kenneth Herrmann
Posted on Tue, 08/28/2018 - 16:25

Hi Alice,

I requested the database download and it generated an email from '' with the link to download the database.

Did you receive such an email?

I also clicked on the link and downloaded the DB, then attached it to this post.

  My First Database (Expert).zip

Let me know if this works for you.


Ken Herrmann

ARIS Cloud Operations

by Alice Zamboni Author
Posted on Wed, 08/29/2018 - 08:27

In reply to by KJHERRM

Hi Ken,

thank you! I didn't receive the email from '' but I downloaded the file from this post.

I would like to somehow test that it is complete and correct but I have no way to open it at the moment.

If I renew my licence, will I be able to import this data? Or will data that has already been stored be retained in the event of renewal?

Thank you,



by Kenneth Herrmann
Posted on Wed, 08/29/2018 - 15:36

Hi Alice,

Your project room is an ARIS Cloud Basic project room and the trial cannot be extended.

You can request a new project room and import the database to that new room.

Regarding the email from the download request, I was informed that this does not occur for Basic rooms. Sorry for the confusion.


Ken Herrmann

ARIS Cloud Operations


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