i want to create a small dialog in a macro, where the user can search for objects like the original search function from ARIS.
The problem of the function searchObjects ( Group p_StartGroup, String p_sName, int p_iOptions ) is, that the function only search in the parameter group, but not in the childs of the group.
The function has to search in all lower levels of the start group.
Is there a way to search in all lower levels of the start group? or to use the original search function from ARIS in a macro?
Hm, the last parameter of searchObjects(...) allows you to set options, and the script help says you can put
there to search the group recursively. Isn't that exactly what you are looking for?
Maybe look into this? (I haven't tested it, but that seems to be the most logical solution)
where it expects the option parameter.
It's all described in the script help.
p_iOptions A bit mask, in which the bits are defined by the following constants:
You're dealing with a bit mask, practically a chain of 0s and 1s. You can combine individual options with the "+" symbol, to stack their effects.