Please help. I have a problem when starting ARIS Express, the error message says:
Unable to find a JRE in the specified directory. Please repair the settings in launcher.cfg and try again.
Whers is the launcher.cfg? I cannot find it in the ARIS Expresss installation directtory.
there are two things you can try:
- fix the problem with the launcher cfg (whereas we did not find the root problem actually)
- and - - use the webstart version.
Let us try the first idea first:
You can try to place a file named "launcher.cfg" in the folder "<Express installation folder>\client\" with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <launcherConfig> <jvmParams jvmPath="./jre" jars="./lib" userConfigPath="" jvmOptions="-Xmx750m;-XX:PermSize=64m;-XX:MaxPermSize=160m;-XX:+DisableExplicitGC;-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false;-Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true" AutomaticMemoryManagement="true" /> </launcherConfig>
and: copy the file named "msvcr100.dll" (will be in a sub folder of the JRE in Express) to <Express installtion folder>\client\ ."
Does this work?
If not, go for solution 2: the "download way for non-windows systems" (which does run on windows actually, whereas you need a locally installed JRE).
You can try to place a file named "launcher.cfg" in the folder "<Express installation folder>\client\" with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <launcherConfig> <jvmParams jvmPath="./jre" jars="./lib" userConfigPath="" jvmOptions="-Xmx750m;-XX:PermSize=64m;-XX:MaxPermSize=160m;-XX:+DisableExplicitGC;-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false;-Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true" AutomaticMemoryManagement="true" /> </launcherConfig>
You mean create this file from scratch in a text editor?
and: copy the file named "msvcr100.dll" (will be in a sub folder of the JRE in Express) to <Express installtion folder>\client\ ."
Couldn't find this file in the JRE or anywhere else - nor even in the backup from my first installation, which suffered from the same launch problem.