please check log files we r not able to access publisher
You provided the config files instead the log, however the file 'umconfig.cfg' have to be fix.
On the line "umcprovideurl.. " you have to add the UMC URL and you file still keep the publisher address.
Please adjust this line and use the http://<ARISDesingServer/umc .. save the file and restart the publisher runnable.
Let us know the results.
We have done above steps still we are getting same error.
we have attached log files please check once.
we have attached umconfig.cnf file
please check once give me proper solution
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- URL which points to the UMC server should be configured here and should look like -->
<!-- -->
<umcproviderurl value="http://localhost:14500/businesspublisher"/>
<!-- Flag which indicates if single sign on should be enabled -->
<!-- true = active, false = inactive -->
<sso_active value="false" />
<!-- Type of SSO algorithm used -->
<!-- Default = kerberos - to use out of the box Kerberos SSO -->
<!-- To use customized UMC SSO plugins, please set value = "custom" -->
<sso_type value = "kerberos" />
<!-- login/password for the technical user or user with administration rights -->
<umc_admin login="system" password="manager"/>
Thanks & Regards
The line is commented in your file..
<!-- -->
Should be
<umcproviderurl value=""/>
Please fix the file and for any issues provide the logs from
these logs are named as bpFatal-10.x.x.x.log