Profile picture for user Leanne Wotton


Since working in a more virtual environment modellers in our organisation have transitioned to using Miro to gather process information from SMEs & subsequently build process flows. 

We are encouraging modellers to use ARIS as our sole tool for creating & storing process information. 

However, we are being met with some pushback, as ARIS isn't as collaborative, as some of the other tooling that is available (e.g. Miro & Google Slides). 

It would be ideal if multiple users could be in a model at once, to add post-its, comments & contributions to a model, whilst working virtually. This would save modellers rework, as they would no longer need to take out of one tool & copy the information into ARIS.

We are aware of the collaboration feature with adding comments, but users find this quite clunky to use. It would be great if commenters could also have the ability to add post-it style notes to a model, without the ability to edit the objects & relationships on the model itself. 

Are these ideas perhaps on the roadmap for future release or something that is recorded for future consideration? Happy to add to the idea forum if needed.



by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 07/05/2023 - 17:32

Hello Leanne,

do you know the place to post your ideas? This is

You can search for ideas and vote for them or raise your own feature request.

by Leanne Wotton Author
Posted on Thu, 07/06/2023 - 07:42

In reply to by M. Zschuckelt


Yes, I'm aware of the forum - I'll add my ideas here. 

Many thanks,



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