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Isn’t it frustrating if you spent several hours searching for something, but in the end you didn’t have the answer? We took up on this question and asked ourselves:Is it possible to quickly find help pages on ARIS, ARIS Express, BPMN, and tutorials here on ARIS Community?

Well, to be honest... at least the answer to this question was found quickly, even though the outcome was not very positive: …it's not as easy as we thought it should be.

So we spent some time thinking about the possibilities we have to offer our users better access to different help topics. The result of these considerations is a completely new help area.

What has changed?

As in the past, you can get to the help overview by clicking on the “Help” entry in the main navigation at the very top of each page. We extended this navigation with an additional “Videos” entry so that you can get directly to an overview of all videos available on ARIS Community:

This direct link to the video tutorials is just the right thing when you know you need some short video tutorials to get started :)!

If you aren’t looking for videos, have a look at our help overview page. On that page all available help resources are listed and described. Those who do not find on that page the help they are searching for probably don’t know what they want ... ;)

Our help pages now include:

The different help pages areall available in English and partly in German.

ARIS video tutorials” includes videos about ARIS Platform and ARIS Express topics and provides a quick and easy access to the world of ARIS!

The area "Tutorials" includes articles on various topics such as BPMN and ARIS report programming. As new articles get published by you or us, we will link them on those pages, too.

The new layout and the new areas of ARIS Community now offer quick help, no matter on what topic: ARIS Express, BPMN or reporting. You will quickly find anything you are looking for!

Now, go ahead: check out our new help pages and let us know if you encounter any problems!

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