Dear Sirs
i created a 30days free for partners ARIS Cloud Advanced projectroom in order to prepare a demo to a customer that wishes to migrate to ARIS Connect from ARIS Publisher.
I found out that with the Admin Client i cannot import the customer's custom ARIS Filter nor the custom ARIS Template.
I got a message that i need the ACCESS Ext Pack
Still i was able to import the customer's custom scripts and DB.
Can you pls advise ?
Many thanks in advance
Dear all
I am afraid this is a bug since in former releases this was feasible via ARIS Cloud Administration.
It is also stated on online help documentation area
Pls do advise
Hi Vassiliki
I think the Help have general information but there are some differences between ARIS Cloud Advanced and ARIS Cloud Enterprise, and in this case the Help is not clear about which version the such feature is available.
I requested an information from our colleagues of the Cloud to know if they have something else which could help and will reply soon.
How about this workaround:
- Unassign ARIS Architect EP Access (YAAAC) from that user account which exports the customer's filter
- Export the filter and receive an encrypted XML file
- Assign back that license in the customer's system
- Import that XML fille in ARIS Cloud Advanced