Hi guys,

I want to add an Email symbol under a process model. So there should be the little email envelope as as symbol and / or an EMail adress.

When clicking on it an Email should open.

I know that it works with an attribute type, which has the datatype Link/File.

But here I am not able to change the symbol type and it is always showing that ugly Internet Explorer symbol.

Any ideas?

by Ingo Gansen Author
Posted on Wed, 07/10/2024 - 09:22

In reply to by smarty

Hi Martin,

good point. This is answering some of my points.

The symbol questions is not answered. In the other thread it says the standard icon for links can be changed.

This is not what I want to do. I want another icon for links which are emails.

So that I can differentiate them from URLs via the symbol.

Any chance to do so?

by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Mon, 07/15/2024 - 16:51

Hi Ingo,

I believe it is possible- just not with the link attribute itself but with the corresponding title attribute.

So, you would need to maintain e.g. External Page Link 1 (with only the link) and for External Page Title 1 you can define symbols that you can place as you wish. Each of these link attributes should have a corresponding title attribute- maybe this helps. :) 



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