Hello All,

We built some macro launch by events, mainly to assist then users while creating ObjOcc.
On the event Constants.EVENTID_OBJOCC_CREATED, a macro is executed and made some controls, ask some data in specific windows, and finally create the ObjOcc and save the model...

This works perfectly in Aris Archictect but does not works in Aris Connect.

I understand that to work in Connect, I have to associate a macro that launch a report.

This means all the logics previously coded in the macro MUST now be code in the report !!!!!

And they are some "object and method" in macro that are not available in report like :

  • Designer.getDefinition, Designer.getModel, Designer.save, Designer.closeModel,......
  • Context.getSelectedObjOccs, Context.getLoginInfo, Context.getArisMethod

Is my understanding of the situation good ?
Is there a documentation on best practice to do so ?
Is there a "translation" tool Macro 2 Report ?

Any help will be appreciated

Christian from Switzerland...

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