ARIS Basic is for all users who have limited experience in business modeling or business process management. So, if you don't feel like an expert, ARIS Basic is for you. This edition lets you start quickly - we have paid special attention to your needs when taking the first steps in process modeling. ARIS Basic offers all the basic functionality you need as a Designer to start mapping your processes or describing your organization.
ARIS Basic offers seven model types: For detailed process modeling you can use BPMN or Event-driven Process Chain (EPC). To describe the processes of your organization in a hierarchy, you can use Value-added Chain diagrams. Organizations can be described using Organizational charts. Applications can be mapped in an Application system type diagram and data can be structured in an IE data model. Apart from these model types, you can create your own start model by using a structuring model. All you need to get started! Up to you what you use!
We offer two user types: 1. Designers – who can create diagrams (e.g. a business process). 2. Viewers – who can read diagrams. A business architect who wants to map a process is typically getting a Designer seat, while people who just review the content are usually fine with Viewer seats. In addition, you can assign administration privileges to a user: This user type can invite new users and assign licenses to them.
This depends on the hosting region you have selected when you requested a project room. For ARIS Basic we offer hosting in North America (US), in the EU (Ireland or Germany) and in Asia Pacific (Australia).
To create a new model simply hit the Create model button from the app launcher (in top left corner) or navigate to Edit models and hit the button there. Then you simply need to decide Model name and the Model type. If you like, you can also decide on the Group (= folder) where this is saved to.
Navigate to Edit models and select an existing model. You will see on the right-hand side a thumbnail of the model you selected. On the bottom you will see the option "Set as start model." As soon as you hit the button the model is marked as the central start model shown at the landing page, for all users. Keep in mind that the start model is supposed to guide all users to the right content, e.g. for review purposes. So, make sure that your start model is appropriate for that purpose.
Simply hit the little star that is shown behind a model name in the Published content section. These favorites are user-specific and shown on the individual landing page of a user.
Either from the landing page or within the pages you navigate to. Enter your search string and hit the enter button. Depending where you start your search, you can then hit from Edit models or Published content first.
Invite new users in the Manage users section. People who do not change content are typically getting Viewer seats while those who would like to change content need a Designer set.
For sure! As a user with administrative privileges, you can back up your models in Manage database. Then you can download a zip file that includes the ARIS database (.adb) file that can be imported again in any upper ARIS Cloud edition.
On the top left corner, you see our app launcher: As an admin you can Manage users and invite them by hitting the "Invite users" button in the top right section of your page. You can invite multiple users at once, they get notified by email. Don’t forget to assign a Designer or Viewer seat to the invited users.
In the Manage database section, you can change the publication mode: If auto-publication is on, all content is made available instantly in the Published content section. If it is switched off, then Designers need to publish the model by hitting the publish button in the Modeling environment.
In the Design environment, you select the object that should get to the link/assignment to a new or existing model. Then you hit the "Assignment" icon in the toolbar - and in the pop-up window you create a new assignment. You can then select the Model type first and then enter a new name for a new model (option 1) or enter the name for an existing model (option 2).
On aris.com you find our online shop where you simply add the seats you want (ARIS Basic Designer, ARIS Basic Viewer) to your shopping cart and then add your payment details. You'll then receive an email with user credentials, as soon as your ARIS Basic environment is available. As a part of the subscription process, you will have to decide on a data storage location (either US, Europe or Australia).
For customers who have purchased through aris.com, please log in to your shop account, go to the upgrade section and select ARIS Advanced with the products and quantity you need.
If you are using a free trial version, please use the ARIS Cloud support forum to ask support questions. If you are using a full ARIS Basic version, you can reach the ARIS Basic Help line at +800 ARIS HELP.
In our ARIS Community! We have a dedicated ARIS Cloud support forum where you can ask questions or post anything ARIS Cloud-related. Answers come from other community members or Software AG experts.