I am desperate, i am trying to get ARIS Express on my new laptop since about a week now, and after multiple attempts of fixes, i found out that it get installed but under the wrong user account so it is the reason why once installed i cannot get my shortcut created even if i go on Java and click for Shortcut creation. I get this error message telling me a shortcut exists already and it cannot create a new one under my own user account.

So i went on the user>otheradmin account and delete the shortcut and re-tried again but no way.. it is not working and i keep having the same error message.

So i did a right click on the apps from my java temp and click Run Online, i can open and design but i cannot save... it is running forever and i have to kill my session.

Any idea how to fix it?

Help would be so appreciated since i really would like to restart my processes maintenance under my new machine.

Thank you very much

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