The new ARIS 10 SR22 brings a fantastic new feature for all ARIS Process Mining editions: a new Gallery with pre-built accelerators. It helps you to jump-start your Process Mining journey and achieve faster time-to-value with your Process Mining investments. It provides you with a range of pre-defined accelerators that can be installed directly into your tenant, giving you the tools you need to achieve your business goals in record time.

The Gallery is now available in the ARIS app launcher.


The Gallery includes a list of accelerators with standardized KPIs.

A user can install the standardized accelerators for free into the tenant and attach data to start generating meaningful insights. It is helpful for all Process Mining users with a special focus on engineers and analysts.

It also lists accelerators from partners with description and contact button.

Want to learn more about other new features, please have a look here: ARIS 10 SR 22 is available−Find all news here


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