
Please help me

I am newbie in ARIS Toolset,  I tried to make a diagram using EPC to represent business processes in my organization by using ARIS Architect. But I am confused, does all the notation as in figure attached EPC notation? Or mixed with another business process model notation, eg BPMN or UML AD? Or is there any other EPC notation?

If it is used all of each notation represents what?

or where I can find documents that explain the usefulness of the notation?

I have searched for some literature and have only found some of the following answers.


Event: This symbol represents an event that triggers activities.

Function: describing what happens during a process, i.e., what exactly is done. They are the core elements of a process

Process Interface: A process is not running isolated. Instead, it is embedded in a complex relationship network. Process interfaces are used to illustrate upstream and downstream processes.

AND Rule: All subsequent/preceding paths are applicable

XOR Rule: Only one of the subsequent (or preceding) options may occur

OR rule: Any number of paths can be used

Organizational Unit: Unit in an organizational hierarchy, e.g., a department or location. It can be used to show which organizational units are superior to others.

Position : ?

Role:  The symbol "Role" illustrates who is performing an activity, Roles are responsible for activities which require the same or similar skills and are required for the design of jobs, trainings and security profiles


Entity Type : Represents a business object, such as data or a group of data and information. It can be used to describe any business related entities, which can be input or output to a function.

D attribute (ERM):? 

Information Carrier : Represents means of communications such as email, fax and phone.

Time Planner : ? 

IT Function Type : ?

Application System : Represents a logical application system. It is linked to a Function to show the particular application that supports an activity E.g. ISP, Outlook

Product or Service : ?

Risk: Risks are used to annotate activities that may have very critical effects on the process and also to define countermeasures

Business Rule:?

Requirement : ?

Information Element : ?

Capability Configuration : ?

Business Policy : ?

Questionnaire Template : ?

Customer Touchpoint : ?

If I indescribable it, please be willing to correct it





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