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Hello, I posted this post in an old thread -

but decided to post it as a new article, with more details.

In the beginning i worked with Aris architect for sap 7.1 both on my server and my local computer.

i had a lot of problems during that try so we decided to begin everything all over again. in a new server (64bit windows 2008) with aris architect 7.2 and on the local computer (windows xp 32bit) we reinstalled the the Aris and he is now Aris architect for sap 7.2.

The next step was to download the sapjco3.

for the server we downloaded the 64 bit version (

putted the file sapjco3.jar in - ('C:\Program Files\ARIS7.2\server\lib') and in the ('C:\Program Files\ARIS7.2\BPSERVER\tomcat\webapps\businesspublisher\layouts\extensions\sap_cxn')

we also putted the folder sapjco for the 64 bit with all the files in c:/sapjco and created a path to there.

after that we tested with the command


-jar "%aris_install_dir%\server\lib\sapjco3.jar"

("C:\Program Files\ARIS7.2\server\jre\bin\java.exe"

-jar "C:\Program Files\ARIS7.2\server\lib\sapjco3.jar")

 and the screen that opened to us was the correct one (according to the FAQ post. sorry that i don't have a print screen).

after that i downloaded the 32 bit version ( of sapjco for my local computer and in there i putted the sapjco3.jar (32bit edition) in the C:\Program Files\ARIS7.2\JavaClient\lib')

and also i have putted the sapjco3.dll in the ('C:\Windows\System32').

also here i putted the folder with all the files to the c:/sapjco and created the path.

After that i run the java -jar sapjco3.jar from the command line and the output is once again perfect.

THE PROBLEM: when i enter the aris for sap 7.2 on my local client and try to do SAP -> transfer project. I get the following error msg

"Unable to find "sapjco.jar" for farther information ...."

(*why does he looks for the sapjco.jar and not the sapjco3.jar????)

in the beginning i thought that the problem accord because i upgraded from the 7.1 to the 7.2, so i reinstalled it completely and it's still doesn't work.

If you have any idea i would be grateful,

Thank you in advance



by Sascha Ding
Posted on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 11:30

Hi Gilad,

last week I was not able to check the community and I saw your post only this morning.

I see that you have trouble with providing the needed SAP JCo 3.0.7. But you have to keep in mind that the SAP JCo 3.0.x is only required after the ARIS 7.2 SR 2 release. (see chapter 2.5 SAP JCo FAQ) Therefore it is important for me to know which exactly ARIS version do you use. The error message "... sapjco.jar" indicates that you use an ARIS version before the 7.2 SR 2 release and if it is so then you have to provide the JCo 2.1.x (this is also pointed out in SAP JCo FAQ)

And you wrote that you want to transfer a SolMan project. This functionality runs on the ARIS server (see chapter 2.6 SAP JCo FAQ) and that there is something wrong with the providing the JCo for the ARIS server.

Best regards,



------ SAP JCo FAQ ------

by Gilad Wilk Author
Posted on Wed, 11/30/2011 - 13:29

Hi Sascha,

Thank you very much!!

It seems that the synchronization is working now :)

The problem indeed was the versions... we had 7.2 but with sp1, so we reinstalled the Jco 2.1 and it worked.


Once again,

Thank you very much,


by Sascha Ding
Posted on Wed, 11/30/2011 - 14:31

You are welcome!

Best wishes,



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