
We have migrated to ARIS SR24, everything is OK except ARCM. In the synchronization with our DB have appeared errors with the hierarchies.

El objeto ''Grupo principal\3. Diagrames Riscos' 'Riesgos tipo 1'(Object type: HIERARCHY) (GUID: 746bb03e-8e26-11ee-63de-000c294b1ce2)' no ha podido transferirse a ARCM:

- 'objectguid': El atributo 'objectguid' no es compatible.

- 'objectlink (Enlace de objeto)': El atributo 'objectlink' no es compatible.

- 'modellink (Enlace de modelo)': El atributo 'modellink' no es compatible.

For all objects in the hierarchy the above error appears.

With the test DB; UMG gives the same error, for all hierarchies.

Best regards

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