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I'm using ARIS Express Version 2.3- 7.1.0 for modelling in BPMN and I think the tool does a good job. As my diagrams are complex, I use subprocesses. I also name the events to make the diagrams more readable. I show the names as attribute placement under the event. Today, I had an issue with that: when the name of the most right end event is longer than the width of the event symbol in a sub-process, and I collapse and re-expand the subprocess, the start event is slided out of the subprocess.

I moved the sub-process to the right so you can see what I mean. Collapsing that subprocess deletes the connection from the start event to the task in the subprocess.

Did anyone face this problem already and maybe found a good solution? I know I simply could draw the processes from top to down instead of left to right to avoid the problem, but I do not really want to do that...



by Anton Stone
Posted on Wed, 11/14/2012 - 15:17

I suggest modeling like this:

You can then collapse or move the subprocess.




by Lydia Harm Author
Posted on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 11:06

Thank you for the hint. Now I found the solution: When the start event in the subprocess also has a label, everything works fine.


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